Wednesday, September 26, 2012

The Image of True Worship

It has been said many times that worship is all about bringing glory to God. And this is absolutely true. So often our hearts veer off the road and worship becomes only music, but when it is true we know better than that. Pastor Jack Hayford tells us in his book, The Reward of Worship, "True worship of God is more than an exercise of religious ritual; it is a human expression of a proper value being placed on the Person being worshiped and the personal cost of the practice of worshiping Him." True worship happens when the Lord's worth is declared.
It goes beyond habitually singing songs of praise; it is living a life that glorifies the Father. John 3:30 is a great verse of what worship needs to be, "He must increase, but I must decrease." God is to be lifted up and we are to be bowing down on the ground. We do such a good job at failing at that idea. In our sinful beings, we find it difficult to put the true God over our gods on earth like money, sex, or self.  Society tells us the opposite, it tells us we must increase, and God must decrease. But Romans 12:2 tells us not to be like the world. 
True worship will transform us into God's image and mold us into what He wants us to be. Worship will reshape us, and it will alter our character. It frees us from the strength of sin and it allows us to live for Christ daily. 2 Corinthians 3:18 uses the words, "From Glory to Glory." This is us being transformed to walk in the fellowship that God always had for us. True worship will change our entire beings. We will become new creatures that long to serve our God and love His people. 

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