Monday, October 29, 2012

Worship Set It All Off

Jesus' final words to His friends, the disciples, in Matthew 28 were, "Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit." This is known as the Great Commission. This is what God has called us to. But due to fear of persecution after the man, Stephen had been killed for the gospel. In Acts 11:19, it says that they were scattered and the gospel was only being shared with Jews. Earlier in the book of Acts, the explosion of the church happened. But since these events, believer had grown fearful and the fire in them died down. Their faith was dead and in need of a revival.
In the church in Antioch Barnabas, Simeon, Lucius of Cyrene, Manaen, and Saul are praying and fasting about the situation. It is after this time of worship, they feel the Holy Spirit's voice telling them to send Barnabas and Saul to bring the gospel to those who have not heard. It was through worshipping God that they heard God calling them to the task at hand. This shows us the power of our worship. Worship is the key to changing to world. When we worship the Father, God will set us on a course to change the world. Worship unleashes God's presence to the world. It isn't that our worship is some magical thing. But giving God all of the glory he deserves makes Him want to bless you and use you in ways you could never imagined. 
John Mark McMillan is a worship song writer, he wrote the very popular worship song, How He Loves. The story behind that song is quite amazing and was born out of prayer and worship. He says that he was having a prayer meeting with some friends. He had prayed God would use him to change the youth of the nation. And on his way home, he got a call that his best friend was in a terrible car accident and he died. This shook John to his core. It was this song that inspired him to write the song How He Loves. 
Through his prayers God took what was a horrible accident that killed his friend, and inspired him to write a song that has affected the whole Christian community. God uses circumstance we will never understand to further His kingdom. We can never count God out in using us. He will always think of boxes that we cannot even imagine. This is our encouragement to always pursue the glory of God and He will use us how he sees fit. 

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